家住九龍東 - 校車問題

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kiteli | 2008-02-13 10:53
我想問 k1 am 係返幾點 ka ??

因為我住九龍東, 以我所知學校係無 校車到 ka .. 就係因為咁, 我老公好強力遊說我...唔好比佢返 st.clare.

但係我真係覺得.st.clare 係一所好學校, 我唔想因為交通問題而放棄呀 .

另外, 唔知可唔可以persuade 校長arrange 校車比住 kowloon東0既 學生呢..... 來緊sat 係 家長會..真係要發問下先得 .

如果真係可以 arrange 到 就安樂晒了

仲有無人都係全 九龍東 ka ???
sarahmama | 2008-02-17 10:37
After yesterday's parents meeting, even though the principle promised will consider but i don't think the Kowloon school bus request will happen. Anyway, overall the impression of the school is still very good.

Quote:原文章由 kiteli 於 08-2-13 10:53 發表
我想問 k1 am 係返幾點 ka ??

因為我住九龍東, 以我所知學校係無 校車到 ka .. 就係因為咁, 我老公好強力遊說我...唔好比佢返 st.clare.

但係我真係覺得.st.clare 係一所好學校, 我唔想因為交通問題而放棄 ...

kiteli | 2008-02-18 15:01
Quote:原文章由 sarahmama 於 08-2-17 10:37 發表
After yesterday's parents meeting, even though the principle promised will consider but i don't think the Kowloon school bus request will happen. Anyway, overall the impression of the school is still ...


YES . I think so .

may i know where are u living ??

be honest, under the location of the school , & can't solve the school bus problem ,we will giveup the seat in st. clare.
kiteli | 2008-04-08 11:36
九龍東校車問題 update


佢都叫我collect有幾多個家長係住九龍東, 而因為校 問題解決唔到 

因為佢問過營運校車 方面 , minimum要 收 HKD12,000 佢話 對家長負擔好 重, 所以 一家要有足夠數量先開到車.

咁校長就話將會係 21/4 要夜雜費前, 再了解 校車方面可唔可以安排到行九龍東

就以上問題, 如果宥有家長係 住 九龍東, 而又讀緊 ST .CLARE,
妳地有無意思想係 九龍東上車, INSTEAD OF 係 金鐘上車呢.

如果有, 不如, 妳地 PM我. 
小朋友讀緊 K1, K2, 定 K3

等我 COLLECT 多D 資料比校長,

好讓校長再幫我地有心係 ST .CLARE KINDER 讀書
安排校車事宜 !!

terryeric | 2008-04-08 12:53
Thx kiteli for your coordination in this matter.

如果有校車當然會考慮, 再睇睇會多少一個月, 和上車時間


Quote:原文章由 kiteli 於 08-4-8 11:36 發表
九龍東校車問題 update


佢都叫我collect有幾多個家長係住九龍東, 而因為校 問題解決唔到 

因為佢問過營運校車 方面 , minimum要 收 HKD12,000 佢話 對家長負擔好 重, 所以 一家 ...

Kira | 2008-04-08 15:14
I have also contacted the school bus service last week. He said it is difficult to arrange a bus stop in Kowloon (say Kowloon Tong / Mong Kok). We may lived in different districts. The children have to get up so early, just to go to the "Centralized" bus stop. He suggested it will be better for those children who lived in kowloon to get on the school bus in Admiralty.

Will you all (Terryeric and Kiteli) choose St. Clare? Any comments about the standard of language and the course content ?


Quote:原文章由 terryeric 於 08-4-8 12:53 發表
Thx kiteli for your coordination in this matter.

如果有校車當然會考慮, 再睇睇會多少一個月, 和上車時間


kiteli | 2008-04-08 15:39
Quote:原文章由 Kira 於 08-4-8 15:14 發表
I have also contacted the school bus service last week. He said it is difficult to arrange a bus stop in Kowloon (say Kowloon Tong / Mong Kok). We may lived in different districts. The children hav ...


如果真係安排唔到點到點返學校, 最終我都會放棄 ST.CLARE
因為我跟本安排唔到振送亞女返 / 放學.

不過, 如果可以 集中到一GROUP 人係 九龍東又另計囉.

可以自組保姆車都可行 MA
不過, 都要睇學校 點安排到.
Kira | 2008-04-08 16:21
I may move to HK Eastern side or another choice is
I may take the MTR to Wanchai / Admiralty and by Taxi

Quote:原文章由 kiteli 於 08-4-8 15:39 發表


如果真係安排唔到點到點返學校, 最終我都會放棄 ST.CLARE
因為我跟本安排唔到振送亞女返 / 放學.

不過, 如果可以 集中到一GROUP 人係 九龍東又另計囉.

可以自組保姆車都可行 MA
不過, 都要睇學校 點 ...

terryeric | 2008-04-09 10:42
It is no question that standard of St.Clare is high. If I live in Western district, I will choose St.Clare. The location is my major concern and that's why I now choose SC at the moment.


Quote:原文章由 Kira 於 08-4-8 15:14 發表
I have also contacted the school bus service last week. He said it is difficult to arrange a bus stop in Kowloon (say Kowloon Tong / Mong Kok). We may lived in different districts. The children hav ...

CCYM | 2008-04-15 14:25
Dear all,

I just called SC and answered by Miss Leung.

She said they will sent out letters to us within these two days asking us to pay books and miscellaneous fee of some $2000 during 22 to 25 April. And, on that days, they will gather information of how many students will use the Kowloon school bus service.

It is only one station, Kowloon Tong. The school bus company asks for $16,000. So, if 10 students use, $1,600 per students; if 20 students, $800.

I asked how about some students who study in SC or not depend on the school bus services. She replied we can discuss with them and require refund of the $2,000 if finally no school bus services can be provided.
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