09/10 St. Clare's K1

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cecilia001 | 2008-12-10 15:14
我今日交咗留位費喇! pm班.

BBGirl2006 | 2008-12-10 15:27
I will pay on Dec 11. My girl accepted am class.
sabcheung | 2008-12-10 15:33
After i was told 一個課室分兩班上的...... http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/viewthread.php?tid=1690389&extra=page%3D1
I have to think about now.:crying:
CattyMeow | 2008-12-10 16:05
Why don't you call school and ask about this!!Quote:原帖由 sabcheung 於 08-12-10 15:33 發表
After i was told 一個課室分兩班上的...... http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/viewthread.php?tid=1690389&extra=page%3D1
I have to think about now.:crying:

happysin | 2008-12-10 17:19
i will pay this friday.. cecilia, has the school given you a good impression?
for the classroom arrangement, i think it is very common for a K1 class to be split into 2 groups being at 1 classroom at the same time.. while 1 group is playing at toy corner, other may be doing exercise outside or ... very common for hong kong's kindergarten........
chu__chu | 2008-12-10 17:48
I paid yesterday. My daughter will study in p.m. class
wingc | 2008-12-10 17:54
我都交左留位費,我女女係上午班,校務處既職員仲好開心咁同我個女講早晨同bye bye.
cecilia001 | 2008-12-10 18:32
Quote:原帖由 happysin 於 08-12-10 17:19 發表
i will pay this friday.. cecilia, has the school given you a good impression?
for the classroom arrangement, i think it is very common for a K1 class to be split into 2 groups being at 1 classroom at ...

我只是擔心呀女每天都要坐35min.~45min.校車(我哋住東區), 上.落車安全和行咁多樓梯級的問題, 特別是雨季.

我想每個課室應該一班小朋友分組玩, 不會二班同一課室, 是不是只是同一課室K1am用完, K1pm又用呀!! 好正常喎!!
foggyao | 2008-12-16 14:29
Quote:原帖由 wingc 於 08-12-10 17:54 發表
我都交左留位費,我女女係上午班,校務處既職員仲好開心咁同我個女講早晨同bye bye.

我都交喇,pm class,見到兩位校務職員都係好好,好有禮貌咁解答我問題。
sabcheung | 2008-12-16 16:55
Quote:原帖由 foggyao 於 08-12-16 14:29 發表

我都交喇,pm class,見到兩位校務職員都係好好,好有禮貌咁解答我問題。

me too, my daughter will be studying in pm class next yr.
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