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chiuyy | 2006-09-16 21:01
my daughter is also a ID student in MPS. She said that the number exercise was actually some physical exercise instead of written homework. She demonstrated the " exercise " to me. Some sort like " head and shoulders, knees and toes" but changing the terms to numbers instead.

SK1 | 2006-09-16 22:05
Can any mummy tells me which page of the Home Assignment Note book I should stick the timetable on?
chiuyy | 2006-09-16 22:26
I paste it on the back cover of the assignment book and use the plastic cover available from Sang Kee to protect itl.
| 2006-09-16 22:38
Thanks everyone. Now I feel relief.

For the timetable, I just stuck it on the page "My School and Me". But maybe I'm wrong, my daughter said some classmates stuck it on the back cover.

SK1, is your daughter taking the nanny bus no. 11a? Which district are you living in?
Naughtymom | 2006-09-16 22:52
Nice to meet you all here MPS mummies :-)

你地就好啦,搵到咁多同班媽咪。 :-D :-D

我囡同SK1個囡一樣搭20號車,好早上車,好慘。所以我規定佢每晚8點就要上床 :cry:

個timetable老師話多數同學都會貼係手冊背後,所以我貼左係手冊背後,用膠紙chi住,冇用cover,所以累亞囡俾老師話佢唔整潔 :cry:

so far,我囡手冊冇寫話要做功課,都係寫要帶乜回校。但亞囡話Miss Tse (班主任) 好惡,有冇senior grade既媽咪可否分享呢個老師係咪真係咁惡丫?


P.S : 食lunch著圍裙應該冇問題瓜,我都想亞囡食lunch時著圍裙。 :-)
SK1 | 2006-09-16 23:00

亞囡話佢自己班好嘈喎.嘈到頂唔順走左出課室. :-)

哈姆太郎 | 2006-09-17 00:14
Hi,路過搭吓嘴。今年1D班班主任係咪仲係Miss Chan?我覺得佢好好呀!
twinstar | 2006-09-17 01:05
Hi mums

Could anyone tell me if from Fortress Hill to Marymount, how long should it take by school bus ?


nicmother | 2006-09-17 08:27
Dear all,

Really great to know u all!

My daughter also said that it's PE exercise at first, but, sometimes u dare not to believe her... However, I noted there is a "blank" Math exercise book in some school bag also

We also stick the timetable at the back coverage of the "Home assignment note book". I went to the MPS website, and I can find the note on "assignment book also", have u guys go in and take a look? But it is exactly the same as what my girl covered.. no futher detailed explanation.

Have u guy prepared the table cover for Art lesson? I only bought the plastic table cover form "Japan City", $7 per feet, and I cut 3 feet for her. Any better recommendation?
| 2006-09-17 09:46
個Timetable 我貼咗係 "My School and Me"到,九成九貼錯,咁有無人知嗰個Page要黎貼咩嘅呢?因為用雙面膠紙貼咗, 而家我都係唔囉番出黎住!

nicmother,我唸囡囡佢哋講嘅Number Exercise應該可信,因為已經前後有3個囡囡都係咁講!

1D班的班主任係Miss Chan,我都覺得她好好人!
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