哈姆太郎 | 2006-09-17 09:59 |
I recalled that last year when they wrote "Do number exercise", it referred to some body movement and my daughter said Miss Chan asked them to do the physical exercise at home only. Not written work. Hope this helps. In relation to the time table, my daughter put it at the back of the assignment book and Miss Chan never said she is wrong. |
nicmother | 2006-09-17 22:01 |
哈姆太郎, Thks for your tips! :-) |
| 2006-09-17 22:31 |
Nice to meet you all! My daughter is studying in P.1D. I'm so puzzled with the "Number Exercise" earlier, but now I'm much relieved. With the enlightening discussion here, my daughter finally recalled that "Number Exercise" is just to do some physical exercise. Thank you for all and hope that the mutual support can continue. Will your daughter join the Speech Festival this year? I'm not familiar with this event. Can anyone give advice please? Thanks! |
Naughtymom | 2006-09-18 09:33 |
嘩,冇上一日,傾到咁熱鬧啦。:-) 點解淨係1D既?有冇1B班媽咪係到丫? 弊,我冇幫亞囡準備美勞 |
SK1 | 2006-09-18 10:47 |
Naughtymom 1D真係好熱鬧.原來咁多媽咪係1D.我只係用舊poster當墊用.我都冇比手袖圍裙佢.今日亞囡返黎,我問下佢多唔多人用先再決定買. 至於功課上網,妳只要入Marymount 個web.第一頁下面就已經有晒手冊寫既野. |
Naughtymom | 2006-09-18 11:42 |
SK1, 唔該晒。我八掛click入其它班睇,1A要帶兩張證件相,我地都冇話要帶。另外,好似得1D有number exercise, 其它班都係冇既。 仲有,剩係提話帶glue+scissors+color pencil. 都冇話要 |
Charissa | 2006-09-18 17:30 |
Hi, It's nice to meet so many MPS mummies here. My daughter is also studying at P.1D. Since we had no need to bring BK book + ex. book for last Thursday's BK lesson, does any mummy/ daughter know if we should bring these books tomorrow according to the timetable. You know, if it's not neccessary, I prefer not to put any extra weight into her schoolbag. By the way, do we need to hand in the "colouring" homework tomorrow or during the next Visual Arts lesson - next Monday? Many thanks :wave: |
SK1 | 2006-09-18 18:02 |
Charissa I will put the BK book in the schoolbag and the colouring homework need to be handed tomorrow not next Monday. |
| 2006-09-18 18:23 |
It's happy to know and talk to so many Mommies in P.1D class. I strongly agreed with S&E that we should continue this kind of mutual support here. I've one question about the Chinese Textbook which can be separated into 2 textbooks. There is a copy of 自習篇 at the back. Will it be taught in the class? If not, I wish to detach it so as to reduce the weight of school bag though it is not too heavy at the current moment. Do anyone know? Thanks. |
GoodBBMum | 2006-09-18 21:06 |
My daughter left all book. exercise book at school. But i am not sure is this as per teacher's request? Does your daugher also left all books at school? Just start the schook for couple days, i am still adjusting, it is too early to me to wake up at 6:15 to catch the school bus at 7:00am. Ciao |